Men’s Health Week

This blog is not just directed to men, but we feel that some men are just not as good as the ladies at looking after their eyes and we have the proof to back this up. In 2019, Medicare statistics show that women made up 58% of optometry services under Medicare.

When you consider that 90% of vision loss is preventable, or treatable with early detection, it is important for all of us to have regular eye health checks.

Here are a few tips (for men in particular) that can help you maintain good eye health:


DIY Projects and Eye Safety

According to the 2020 Vision Index, more than a quarter (26 per cent) of Australian men have sustained an eye injury while undertaking a DIY project, compared to just 14 per cent of Australian women.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that in 2016, men accounted for 83% or the 11,078 cases on the Medicare database in which optometrists removed a foreign body embedded in the eye.

So please make sure that you are wearing Australian standard safety glasses while doing any cutting, grinding, hammering, mowing etc. We have a large range of prescription safety glasses available to choose from in our practice.


Maintain a healthy diet and stop smoking

Good nutrition can make a huge difference to the health of your eyes. Studies show that the risk of macular degeneration can be reduced, and its progression slowed, by eating a well-balanced diet high in anti-oxidants, vitamins and other nutrients.

Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle: do not smoke, exercise regularly, eat fish 2 -3 times per week with green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and yes, kale too!) and limit your consumption of fats and oils, which will all help with your eye health.


Wear sunglasses

UV exposure from the sun or reflected light can lead to cataracts, pterygiums and macular degeneration.

Despite knowing the risk, 31% of males do not own UV protected sunglasses! With Australia’s harsh climate conditions, it is important to wear sunglasses when outside: in Summer and Winter.


Book yourself in for an eye examination

The 2020 Vision Index showed that 35 per cent of Australian males are not getting regular eye examinations and are therefore at increased risk of developing eye related diseases or preventable vision loss.

We all lead busy lives, but take 30 minutes out of your day every few years to have your eyes checked. Call us on 6332 5222 for an appointment.


Information sourced from Optometry Australia’s Good Vision for Life and the 2020 Vision Index